Den Food Bosch is happy to announce a series of lectures on the basics of food forests. This is your chance to gain insights and get theoretical knowledge about this great permanent farming system.  The lectures will be given by the food forest experts Wouter van Eck & Malika Cieremans.

#1 Tuesday, February 27th 19h:
What is a food forest? Combining nature & farming. Food forests and climate change.

#2 Tuesday, March 6th 19h:
Mimicking natural succession. Food Forest archetypes. Design tools and methodologies.

#3 Tuesday, March 13th 19h:
Exploring the secrets of a healthy soil.
Water: Growing crops without drowning or desertification.

#4 Tuesday, March 20th 19h:
Gains for biodiversity, profits for farmers?
How to prevent pests the ecological way.
Food forest products and services.

For lectures #3 and 4, slideshow presentations are now available in PDF format. To receive a copy, send an email to

Location: HAS University of Applied Sciences, Den Bosch

The lecture session is organised and supported by
Lectoraat Innovatief Ondernemen met Natuur
i.s.m. Stichting Den Food Bosch


lecture series 1

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